I was in the pantry today, doing my usual morning routine of preparing my Herbalife Vanilla Cuppucino shake when my colleague unwrapped a greasy, hot red sambal sotong, ayam goreng peha, telur mata, and the usual nasik lemak fixings of fluffy rice, kacang bilis and timun.
I swear, a little bit of me was judging him. jahatnya tosh, that couldve been you a few years back*
No kidding, as awful as it may sound, that used to be my everyday staple diet and i did it without even having the slightest thought of the damage being done.
that evil acik lomak could block my artery pulmonari left ventrical (ok, i made that up just to sound smart), diabetes, stroke or even death. Leave alone what it made my body look like. No wonder Ped gave me a hard time living my life, and who am i to blame? myself, me.
i havent had rice for one and a half years now, and that'll be my biggest fear if i do. what if i consume, just one time, and wont be able to turn back? what if it stays in my body, and that one tiny little rice creature decided to breed,and multiply, and hide in between my body cells and organs, just to make my life a living hell? haha okay too far, tosh. too far.
So thats that. i hereby declare that im scared of rice. yes, very scared of rice.
im not normal.
p/s: Ped came back after 12,000 years.
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